The New World Order: From Dollar To CBDC
July 1, 2024 – by Li₿εʁLiøη
There is increasing evidence that the monetary system is unsustainable because it is supported by debt, collateralized, and without support. This is an opinion article based on current data. I believe that the New World Order will be given by a polarization of forces, between the G7 (Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, the United Kingdom, and the United States) and the BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa, and others countries that are joining the bloc).
The American dollar is currently the global currency. The United States has been printing an enormous amount of money throughout this century, especially since 2008. How long can the United States maintain its debt-based monetary system?
I will explain why I believe that the monetary system will be intentionally collapsed, to implement a new one through the issuance of a Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC). The US will do it by tokenizing its fiat currency, will it be the e-dollar?
All Nation-States will go down that path. CBDCs offer an unprecedented opportunity for social engineering, which is a giant step towards technocracy.
Let’s see why and how.
Money As A Source Of Power
Commerce is a primary human activity. Our ancestors exchanged goods, even in nomadic societies between hunter-gatherer tribes, and then to a greater extent when a sedentary lifestyle was necessary for agriculture and livestock. The economy of modern society develops based on trade, and for this money is necessary.
What is money? It is any asset or good, generally accepted as a means of payment by economic agents for their exchanges, and that also fulfills the functions of being a unit of account and a store of value. Money became a means of exchange, after replacing the barter of goods.
First, it was represented by stones, seashells, salt, silver, gold, or another type of raw material. Then the minting of coins constituted a technological advance for money and later paper money as a document of credit was another advance. The payment system today is mostly digital. The issuance of money is mainly electronic. Only one-tenth of the total money supply of the US dollar is physical.
The current world order has its beginnings in 1944, after the Second World War, and with the Bretton Woods agreement, in which the United States imposed the dollar as a world trade and reserve currency, backed by gold, which many countries had carried to the United States to protect themself from the war in Europe.
In 1971, with the government of Richard Nixon, the United States unilaterally eliminated this support, and the collateral guarantee of the US currency became the debt issued by the country, Treasury bonds. Therefore, money is fiat since it is not backed by commodities.
The BRICS countries, and others like Iran that are trying to join the bloc, have stopped buying US debt (or have reduced the amount) and it is only Japan (G7) that has increased its demand. China and Japan are the largest foreign holders of American public debt: together they hold more than a quarter of the US Treasury securities. Saudi Arabia is also a large creditor of the United States, but the data is not published due to an agreement between both countries.
CBDCs Are An Advantage For Rulers
The CBDC is money issued by a Central Bank in a digital format, programmed with computer code, and its validity is assured with cryptography.
The digital money used today is not CBDC, since it is not recorded in a blockchain ledger, but in databases.
Many tend to confuse CBDCs with stablecoins. Stablecoins are tokens anchored to the quoted value of a fiat currency, while CBDCs are tokens issued by a state authority, on permitted and centralized blockchains.
I will mention some characteristics of CBDCs:
Enable fast and frictionless money transactions
They give regulators a powerful weapon to freeze funds instantly for any reason they deem
They can be programmable, allowing authorities to limit purchases, payments and income in any way they see fit, facilitating the creation of a social credit system
Taxation and wealth redistribution could be automated
The online traceability of operations makes information from the private sphere of its users available to rulers.
As you can see, there does not seem to be any major benefit for citizens. For this system to be effective, it will be imposed exclusively and obligatorily, just as fiat money is today.
The political discourse to “convince” citizens could be the following: “The more accurate and complete the set of data we have on people, the more capable we will be of improving the quality of life of citizens.”.
June 2024 Worldwide CBDC Progress Map from Atlanta Council CBDC Tracker.
Currently, there are several Nation-States that are developing their CBDCs, with different degrees of progress. You can check the progress in each country in these sources:
Thus, current democracies will mutate into Technocracies, where the technological government will be a Corporatocracy, a collaboration between the State and private companies, which will have a centralized predictive operational structure, to determine the products and services necessary to supply its Technocracies.
There Will Be A Reset Of The Monetary System, How Will They Do It?
Why would the United States reset the monetary system? There are several reasons:
Maintain your power, issuing a CBDC that quotes the current dollar at several times its value, for example, an exchange rate of 10,000 USD = 1 eDollar (this exchange rate is illustrative), and thus liquefy its current debt, with the imposition of a new “healthy” currency and thus assigning a new quotation value to the T-Bonds
Prevent the BRICS, especially China, from polarizing their economic and financial power
Impose a new digital currency, which grants much greater control, as a global financial weapon, through a credit system of rewards and punishments for individuals and countries
While the dollar remains dominant in global transactions, with a share of foreign exchange volumes at more than 80%, there are several signs of de-dollarization, mainly from the BRICS and associated countries, which are taking steps to become “independent” of the dollar US. It is important to view the film rather than the photo.
The liquidity of U.S. Treasury bonds and the dollar’s competition with other currencies are key factors. Here are some indicators:
Decrease in the share of the dollar in foreign exchange reserves. The dollar’s share of foreign exchange reserves has fallen to a record low of 58%: De-dollarization: Is the US dollar losing its dominance?
This trend is driven by the diversification of central banks’ reserves to reduce their dependence on the dollar: De-Dollarization: What Is It, and Is It Happening?
Reducing dependence on the dollar in international trade. Several countries are reducing their dependence on the dollar by conducting international transactions in their currencies instead of relying on the dollar as an intermediary, such as China, Russia, and several BRICS and associated countries.
Saudi Arabia is to sell oil in multiple currencies, including the euro, yen, and yuan, rather than exclusively in US dollars, as the 50-year agreement with the United States (petrodollar) has expired this June. BRICS: Over $70B in Trade Will No Longer Be Settled in US Dollars
Geopolitical factors. The war in Ukraine has intensified discussions about de-dollarization, as the United States uses the dollar as a sanctions weapon against Russia, and that has caused concern in other countries.
Final Words
We are in the Information Age, and the goal of States is high-tech surveillance, which includes the development of centralized digital currencies, biometric identity, artificial intelligence, and the Internet of Things. I believe that the third decade of this century will be a turning point in the change of economic and social paradigms. The New World Order is heading towards a dystopian world. In one way or another, the centralization of power tends, sooner or later, to totalitarianism and corruption. I believe they will prepare a catastrophic event on the debt system, which will justify drastic actions, and the world will accept. It will be a rescue through the issuance of a new currency, the e-Dollar, a CBDC.
You will be able to see how they prepare the stage, with the regulations and prohibitions of any means of value, or payment system, that the authorities do not control. For this reason, cryptocurrencies are today a strong target of attack by US and European regulators, because they would be competition and an escape route from the centralized system. We must understand CBDCs as part of a broader ideology of progress, and in a data context, where information is power.
Do you think the change to a New World Order will be peaceful? Analyze history, and you will see that the events with the greatest economic and social impact have common patterns, and although they are not identical, they are similar.
The US consolidated itself as a global power with World War II and had begun with World War I. The change of global power is always violent. Study history since ancient Rome and you will see.
Should we trust that the same institutions accused of eroding our financial autonomy will safeguard our interests in the digital age? It’s about whether we are willing to give up another bastion of our privacy, and individual sovereignty, on the altar of convenience and supposed security.
The narrative around CBDCs is one of innovation and progress, but what progress are we talking about? We will be slaves to a system in which every financial act is subject to scrutiny, not for security, but to give greater power to an omnipresent State.
This is a call to personal action, to scrutinize the motivations behind the push for CBDCs, and to consider the long-term implications of this system.
Therefore, dear reader, to be a guardian of your autonomy you should question the path they are taking us down.
Written by Li₿εʁLiøη – July 1, 2024
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