Libereco (li‧ber‧e‧co)



Esperanto word meaning Freedom, or Liberty.


Information about Monero is too far spread out and hard to find. There is a lot of knowledge out there, but if people don’t know where to look, they may never learn it. LIBERECO’s primary goal is to aggregate Monero knowledge and information from around the internet in one convenient place.


At launch LIBERECO offers a Dashboard with Monero network stats, price, news feeds, and community feeds at a glance all in one place. We also offer our Blogo (Blog in Esperanto), where we publish articles pertaining to Monero, Cryptocurrencies, Privacy, Sovereignty and Freedom. 


But the main attraction of LIBERECO is our Resources page.


Knowlege is power, and we are here to provide you with knowledge.

The Resources page is the place where people new to Monero and Monero veterans alike can find a wide range of resources to better understand, contribute, participate, and learn how to use Monero as a tool for sovereignty and financial freedom. Our Resources page is never complete. We will continue to maintain it and add resources as we become aware of them or through your suggestions. 


What’s next?

There are many other features LIBERECO would like to offer in the future. We could have kept working on the site a lot longer to reach perfection, but the site has reached a point at which there is enough worthwhile content that the public benefit from and make use of now while new features and improvements are built in the background. In the future LIBERECO may expand its resources and knowledge database to include other privacy projects and sovereignty tools outside of Monero.


In the near term, one of the next features LIBERECO plans to roll-out for the Monero community is LIBERECO’s self-hosted node and blockchain explorer. LIBERECO also hopes to recruit talented contributors to write educational pieces, tutorials, or opinion articles. LIBERECO is just getting started and the future is full of possibilities.


LIBERECO is a free resource launched entirely self-funded. If LIBERECO is useful to you, we greatly appreciate a donation to help with server and maintenance costs. Donate here.

Thanks for checking us out. Remember to bookmark LIBERECO and reach out to us if you would like to contribute content, have suggestions or ideas. Contact here. 


LIBERECO – June 2, 2024

graphic by gnuteardrops