Here you will find every Monero resource imaginable ranging from how Monero works, how to run a node, where to spend it, tutorials, tools, blogs, technical resources and documents, statistics etc etc etc.
As you browse these resources you may come across a ⭐ for highly recommended resources, while a🌟is reserved for the best of the best.
Explore the various ways of acquiring Monero. Mine it, earn it, trade it.
Wallets ➣
There are several options available for taking self-custody of your Monero.
Mining ➣
Monero is one of few cryptocurrencies which allow anyone with a computer to start validating transactions and earning Monero rewards in a few minutes with no startup costs.
Nodes ➣
Running a node helps the decentralization of the network and gives you the best possible privacy when using Monero.
Merchants & the Circular Economy ➣
Accept Monero➣
History of Monero ➣
How was Monero launched? How did it start? Who was involved? Find the full Monero history here.
Technical Resources ➣
Monero documentation, Research papers, and libraries.
Educational Resources ➣
Everything you need to learn and master Monero.
Communities ➣
Where Monero users, contributors, and researchers hang-out.
Events ➣
Conferences, Meetups, and other Monero events.
Charts and Network Statistics ➣
Charts for all kinds of network stats such as transactions, hashrate, price, inflation, supply, etc.
Block Explorers ➣
Explore the Monero network. View what few blockchain details and stats are publicly visible, as well as provide proof of sending/receipt.
Tools ➣
Point of Sale tools, Payment Gateway plugins, OpenAlias registration, inflation checker, and other Monero tools.
News Sites ➣
Sources for everything happening in the Monero ecosystem.
Podcasts ➣
Monero-centric podcasts, Podcast episodes about Monero, and other recommended podcasts.
Gamble with Monero ➣
Play games, or bet on sports.
Media ➣
Music, Videos, Movies, and Art.